SMH Medication Formulary
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SMH Medication Formulary
P & T Committee Minutes
March 23, 2003 Example Minutes I. Review minutes from February 26 meeting Finding: Wording regarding medication use processing was ambiguous. Action: The modified minutes were approved. II. Tetanus Shortage Finding: Wyeth Ayerst has discontinued all products containing tetanus toxoid, cannot meet the increased demand and is therefore limiting the distributiion to 20 doses per month. This is well below our current use of 60 to 90 doses per month. It is unclear how long this situation will continue. Action: The Committee will seek guidance from the State Health Division. Additionally, distribution from the pharmacy to the ED will occur on a dose by dose basis. Use outside the ED will be carefully assessed to ensure appropriate use. III. Medication Use Policy - Use of nondrug Items in Hospitalized Patients Finding: Facility currently does not have a policy in place for the handling and administration of non-drug products that patients use while in-house. These products include, but are not limited to, labeled OTC supplements as well as unidentifiable Chinese herbs. JCAHO has requested (at other university hospitals) a policy for handling non-drug supplements used by patients. Action: The Committee will examine the policies of other university hospitals regarding non-drug products before developing a facility policy.
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