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Medications listed are available on OH EPIC Formulary, unless otherwise noted.
Not all formulary medications are available at each facility. Please refer to your local pharmacy for available inventory.
Drug Remote Team AP On-Site AP Preferred Storage State for AP Medications that should not be prepared on Friday for Monday AP HAM Medication LASA Medication Vial Size Do Not Refrigerate Protect From Light   Filter Requirement Primary or seconding Tubing Low-Sorb tubing required Non-DEHP Container  Do Not Shake  Vesicant / Irritant Standard IV Fluids Infusion Concentration Infusion Time Diluent to Reconstitute Room Temp Stability  Stability in Refrigerator Special Precautions  Overfill Administration Instructions References remainder vials for reuse  (6 hours SDV - hood[340B]-NO, but can reject, 28d MDV) Notes (anything additional you need to know)
No Yes Room Temperature Do Not Prep on Friday No No 250 mg  N/A Protect vials from light 0.2-1.2 micron Secondary YES NO Do Not Shake NO TV 100 mL NS  <10 mg/mL 30-60 minutes

250 mg + 10 mL SWFI        
(Conc: 25 mg/mL)

**Must use silicone-free disposable syringe provided with each vial to prepare.**                                     

23 hrs 23 hrs Direct the stream of sterile water towards the  glass wall. Rotate the vial with gentle swirling to minimize foam formation, until the contents are completely dissolved. 
Avoid prolonged or vigorous agitation.
Must remove fluid from bag prior to injecting reconstituted drug.  
N/A Infuse over 30 minutes or 60 minutes depending on indication.  Do not infuse other medications through the same IV line with abatacept. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No No 35 mg
5 mg
N/A NO 0.2 micron in-line low protein binding  Primary NO NO Do Not Shake or Vigorously Agitate NO NS, TV based upon weight N/A Titration 5 mg + 1.1 mL SWFI
35mg + 7.2 mL SWFI
(Conc: 5mg/mL)               
Use Immediately 24 hrs Allow vials and diluent to reach room temperature prior to reconstitution (~30 minutes).  Remove volume of NS equal to drug volume.  N/A Infuse through a low protein binding 0.2 micron in-line filter.  Initial infusion rate should not exceed 0.25 mg/minute. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 22,000,000 units N/A Protect vials from light DO NOT FILTER Secondary NO NO-PVC results in more consistent drug delivery Do Not Shake NO >1.5 mg in 50 mL D5W
≤1.5 mg in smaller vol D5W
Add albumin to conc < 0.03 mg/mL.
0.03 - 0.07 mg/mL IVPB: 15 min
Infusion: 24 hrs
22 million unit (1.3 mg) vial + 1.2 mL SWFI ONLY
(Conc: 18 million unit/mL or 1.1 mg/mL)                                      
48 hrs 48 hrs                          Refrigeration Preferred For conc < 0.03 mg/mL: add albumin first to D5W before adding drug. Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Allow solution to reach RT before admin. Infuse over 15 minutes.  Flush line before and after with D5W 1, 2, 11, 8 SDV Should be stored in refrigerator, no preservative. Store in carton until time of use.
alglucosidase alfa
No No N/A N/A No No 50 mg N/A Protect dilution from light 0.2 micron low protein binding  Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 50-1000 mL 0.5 - 4 mg/mL ~4 hours, rate is titrated based upon weight 50 mg + 10.3 mL SWFI
(Conc: 5 mg/mL)
Use Immediately 24 hrs Allow vials to reach room temperature prior to reconstitution (~30 minutes). Roll and tilt gently; do not invert, swirl, or shake. Remove airspace from infusion bag prior to admixture to minimize particle formation due to sensitivity of drug to air-liquid interfaces.  Gently invert bag to mix. N/A Infuse through a separate line via an in-line, low-protein-binding 0.2 micron filter.  Infuse over ~4 hours; initiate at 1 mg/kg/hour. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No No 500 mg N/A NO NO Secondary NO NO N/A NO NS 5 - 40 mg/mL 3 - 15 minutes 500 mg vial + 9.7 mL NS for IVPB
 (Conc: 50 mg/mL)
500 mg vial + 2.5 mL NS or SWFI for subcutaneous use
5 hrs 24 hrs Label with gloves/handle carefully sticker N/A IV infusion over 3 -15 minutes depending upon dose.  For subcutaneous, administer dose in abdominal wall. 1, 8 SDV May also be in a syringe
No No N/A N/A Yes No 350 mg/7ml
(50 mg/mL) 
Do Not Refrigerate Diluted Infusion NO 0.2 micron in-line low protein binding primed with diluent only Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 ml NS or D5W (total volume) N/A Varies with set dose, consult PI  50 mg/mL Solution 10 hrs including infusion time N/A Gently invert the bag to mix the solution. Remove overfill and drug volume in order to make total volume of 250 mL Administer using an infusion set fitted with a flow regulator and with an in-line, sterile, low protein-binding filter (0.2 micrometer) primed with diluent only. 1, 8 SDV Use polyurethane, polybutadiene, PVC, polypropylene, or polyethylene infusion sets.
anti-thymocyte globulin - RABBIT
No No N/A N/A No No 25 mg N/A Protect vials from light 0.22 micron Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 50-500 mL NS or D5W 50 mL of infusion solution recommended per vial First dose over at least 6 hours; subsequent doses over at least 4 hours. 25 mg + 5 mL SWFI
(Conc: 5 mg/mL)
Use Immediately due to lack of preservatives N/A Rotate vial gently until powder is completely dissolved.  Mix solution by gently inversion. N/A Infuse through a high-flow vein (central line). 1, 8 SDV  
anti-thymocyte globulin - EQUINE
No No N/A N/A No No 50 mg/mL x 5 ampules N/A NO 0.2 - 1 micron inline Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake No but may cause phlebitis 500 mL NS  Max: 4 mg/mL At least 4 hrs 50 mg/mL Solution (Amp)
(Filter through 5 micron syringe filter prior to dilution)
Immediate use 24 hrs including administration time Add drug to solution directly so that the undiluted drug does not contact the air inside. Allow solution to reach room temperature prior to infusion N/A Infuse through a high-flow vein to reduce incidence of phlebitis 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 10 mg/0.5 mL
(10 mg/0.5 mL)
N/A Protect vials from light N/A N/A N/A NO Do Not Shake N/A N/A N/A N/A 10 mg/0.5 mL Solution 8 hrs 24 hrs  Withdraw the appropriate dose volume from the vial into a syringe for injection. If the volume to be administered is >2 mL, divide the dose equally into multiple syringes. Limit the volume at a single injection site to 2 mL. No (syringe) Use multiple syringes/injection sites for volumes > 2 mL. Rotate injections sites. Do not inject into scar tissue, or areas that are reddened, inflamed or swollen. 1, 8 SDV Dispensed in a syringe.
No No N/A N/A Yes No 1200 mg/20 mL
840 mg/14 mL
(60 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS 3.2 mg - 16.8 mg/mL Initial dose over 60 minutes, subsequent doses over 30 minutes. 60 mg/mL Solution 6 hrs including administration time 24 hrs  Dilute with NS only Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not administer as an IVP or bolus. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 200 mg/10 mL
(20 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials and dilution from light low protein binding in-line filter 0.2 micron Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS N/A 1 hour 20 mg/mL Solution 4 hrs 24 hrs Mix by gentle inversion. If refrigerated prior to infusion, allow the diluted solution to come to RT prior to administration. Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume)   1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No No 20 mg
10 mg
N/A NO NO Secondary NO NO May gently shake vial to dissolve powder.  Do Not Shake dilution to mix. NO 25 mL - 50 mL NS or D5W N/A 20-30 minutes 10 mg vial + 2.5 mL preservative free SWFI
20 mg vial + 5 mL preservative free SWFI
4 hrs 24 hrs When mixing the solution gently invert the bag to avoid foaming. N/A Infuse as a bolus or IV infusion over 20 - 30 minutes, may be administered through a peripheral or central line. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No Yes 250 mg                  N/A Protect vials and dilution from light 0.2-1.2 micron low protein-binding filter  Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 50 - 250 mL NS or D5W 2 - 10 mg/mL 30 min 250 mg vial + 10.5 mL of NS, D5W, SWFI                                           
(Conc: 25 mg/mL)
4 hrs 24 hrs including administration time Use silicone-free disposable syringe provided. 
Direct diluent to the glass wall of the vial.
To minimize foaming: avoid vigorous shaking, gently swirl or rotate vial.  Withdraw a volume equal to the amount of drug prior to adding.
N/A Infuse as an IV infusion over  30 minutes. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No Yes 400 mg
120 mg                 
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS   (total volume)
100 mL NS for patients </= 40 kg      
N/A 1 hour 120 mg vial + 1.5 mL preservative free SWFI
400 mg vial + 4.8 mL preservative free SWFI
(80 mg/mL)        
8 hrs including administration time 8 hrs including administration time Allow vials to reach RT.  Direct stream of sterile water toward the side of the vial to minimize foaming.  Gently swirl vial for 60 seconds.  Repeat every 5 minutes until the powder is dissolved.  May take up to 30 minutes.  Gently invert the bag or bottle to mix the solution.                                           ***Not compatible with dextrose*** N/A Infuse as an IV infusion over 1 hour through a dedicated IV line.  Do not administer as IV push or bolus. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 400 mg/16 mL
100 mg/4 mL
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 100 mL NS
(total volume) 
N/A 30 minutes 25 mg/mL Solution Immediate use 8 hrs Do not use dextrose. Remove overfill and drug volume in order to make total volume of 100 mL Do not administer as an intravenous push or bolus. Administer initial dose over 90 minutes, the second infusion over 60 minutes, and the third/ subsequent infusions over 30 minutes if 60 minute infusion well tolerated. Branded Avastin may be administered intravitreal. Draw up using a 1 mL tuberculin syringe. 1, 3, 8, 18 SDV May also be in a syringe
No No N/A N/A Yes No 400 mg/16 mL
100 mg/4 mL
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 100 mL NS
(total volume) 
N/A 30 minutes 25 mg/mL Solution Immediate use 8 hrs Do not use dextrose. Remove overfill and drug volume in order to make total volume of 100 mL Do not administer as an intravenous push or bolus. Administer initial dose over 90 minutes, the second infusion over 60 minutes, and the third/ subsequent infusions over 30 minutes if 60 minute infusion well tolerated. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 400 mg/16 mL
100 mg/4 mL
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 100 mL NS
(total volume) 
N/A 30 minutes 25 mg/mL Solution Immediate use 8 hrs Do not use dextrose. Remove overfill and drug volume in order to make total volume of 100 mL Do not administer as an intravenous push or bolus. Administer initial dose over 90 minutes, the second infusion over 60 minutes, and the third/ subsequent infusions over 30 minutes if 60 minute infusion well tolerated. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 400 mg/16 mL
100 mg/4 mL
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 100 mL NS
(total volume) 
N/A 30 minutes 25 mg/mL Solution Immediate use 4 hrs Do not use dextrose. Remove overfill and drug volume in order to make total volume of 100 mL Do not administer as an intravenous push or bolus. Administer initial dose over 90 minutes, the second infusion over 60 minutes, and the third/ subsequent infusions over 30 minutes if 60 minute infusion well tolerated. 1, 8 SDV  
calaspargase pegol
No No N/A N/A Yes No 3750 units/5 mL
(750 units/mL)
N/A Protect vials and dilution from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 100 mL NS or D5W N/A 1 hour 750 units/mL Solution 4 hrs 24 hrs N/A Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Infuse over 1 hour into a running infusion of either NS or D5W. 1, 8 SDV  
calcium gluconate No Yes Room Temperature Do Not Prep on Friday Unless Premade Product is Used No No 1000 mg/10 mL (100 mg/mL) vial

1000 mg/100 mL bag
2000 mg/100 mL bag
N/A NO NO Secondary NO NO May shake vigorously to dissolve powder in vial NO Dose dependent: 100 mL, 200 mL, 500 mL NS or D5W 8-20 mg/mL Administer dose slowly, DO NOT exceed an infusion rate of 200 mg/minute in adults or 100 mg/minute in pediatric patients, including neonates 100 mg/mL Solution if vial used 24 hours
Pre-mixes available
N/A N/A Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Inspect visually prior to administration. Solution should appear clear and colorless to slightly yellow. Do not administer if there is particulate matter or discoloration. 1, 8 SDV and Pharmacy bulk packages. SDV preferred  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 350 mg/7 mL
(50 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light 0.2 - 5 micron inline or add on filter Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS or D5W 1-20 mg/mL 30 minutes 50 mg/mL Solution No more than 8 hrs from the time of preparation to the end of the infusion No more than 24 hours from the time of preparation to the end of infusion Withdraw 7 mL from cemiplimab vial and dilute with NS or D5W to final concentration between 1-20 mg/mL. Gently invert to mix. Do not use if solution in vial is cloudy, discolored or contains particles. Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Infuse over 30 minutes. Allow solution to reach room temperature prior to infusion. 1, 8 SDV  
Yes No Refrigerated Do Not Prep on Friday Yes No 200 mg/100 mL
100 mg/50 mL
(2 mg/mL) 
N/A NO 0.22 micrometer in-line filter Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO Do not dilute N/A Weekly: Administer initial dose 400 mg/m2 as 120-minute IV infusion, subsequent doses of 250 mg/m2 infuse over 60 minutes.
Bi-weekly: Administer over 2 hours.              Do not exceed an infusion rate of 10 mg/min.
2 mg/mL Solution 8 hrs 12 hrs Add the calculated dose to an empty viaflex bag. 
Straight drug Do not administer as IV push or bolus 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No No 2500 mg/50 mL
(50 mg/mL)
N/A NO 15 micron in-line filter (0.2 micron is also acceptable) Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake  NO Do not dilute N/A Titration 50 mg/mL Solution Begin infusion within 6 hrs of entering vial, complete infusion within 12 hrs of vial entry. N/A Add the calculated dose to an empty viaflex bag. 
N/A Administer through an IV line using an infusion pump. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 400 mg/20 mL
100 mg/5 mL
(20 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials and dilution from light 0.22 micron in-line low protein binding Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 1000 mL NS
500 mL NS
N/A Per Protocol 20 mg/mL Solution 15 hrs
(including infusion time)
24 hrs Do not infuse in the same IV line with other agents.
Mix diluted solution by gentle inversion.
Do not use if discolored.
 D5W is not recommended.
Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume); for 3rd infusion and beyond IV dose should be in 550mL total volume (rapid infusion) IV infusion only. If dilution is refrigerated before use, allow to come to room temperature before administration. 1, 8 SDV Note formulation
daratumumab (Faspro) No No N/A N/A Yes No 1800 mg daratumumab and 30,000 units hyaluronidase/15 mL
(120 mg and 2,000 units/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO N/A NO NO Do Not Shake N/A N/A N/A Subcutaneously over 3-5 minutes 120 mg and 2,000 units/mL Solution 12 hrs 24 hrs Allow vial to equilibrate to ambient temperature. Withdraw 15 mL from the vial into a syringe. To avoid needle clogging, attach injection needle or subcutaneous infusion set to the syringe immediately prior to injection. No (syringe) Inject 15 mL into the subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen approximately 3 inches to the right or left of the navel over approximately 3-5 minutes. 1, 8 SDV Note formulation. Dispensed in a syringe
dexamethasone (CNR available) No Yes Refrigerated N/A No Yes 4 mg/1 mL
20 mg/5 mL
10 mg/1 mL
100 mg/10 mL
120 mg/30 mL
N/A Protect From Light  NO Secondary NO NO N/A N/A 50 mL NS 0.1 mg/mL - 0.4 mg/mL 20 minutes 4 mg/mL and 10 mg/mL Solution 4 days 10 days Do not use if precipitate is present Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Infuse over 20 minutes 1, 8   Local necrosis may result with SubQ or intradermal use
diphenhydramine (CNR available) No Yes Refrigerated N/A No Yes 50 mg/1 mL
500 mg/10 mL
N/A Protect From Light  NO Secondary NO NO N/A N/A 50 mL NS 0.25 mg/mL - 1 mg/mL 20 minutes 50 mg/mL Solution 4 days 10 days N/A Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Infuse over 20 minutes 1,8    
No No N/A N/A Yes No 17.5 mg/5 mL
(3.5 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 100 mL NS N/A Titration 3.5 mg/mL Solution N/A Store dilution under refrigeration. Initiate infusion within 4 hours of preparation. Discard dilution 24 hours after preparation. N/A Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Administer as diluted infusion only. Do not administer as an IV push or bolus. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 500 mg/10 mL
(50 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light 0.2 micron low protein binding Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 100mL NS or D5W 500 mg dose: 2-10 mg/mL
1000 mg dose:  4-10 mg/mL
(maximum 250 mL)
30 minutes 50 mg/mL Solution 6 hrs including infusion 24 hours including infusion Do not infuse other medications though the same infusion line Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not administer as an IV push or bolus. 1, 8 SDV  
(Imfinzi) (CNR available)
Yes No Refrigerated N/A Yes No 500 mg/10 mL
120 mg/2.4 mL
(50 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light 0.2-0.22 micron low protein binding in-line Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS or D5W 1-15 mg/mL 60 minutes 50 mg/mL Solution 7 hrs 10 days Mix by gentle inversion Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Administer all concomitant combination medications as separate IV infusion. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No No 300 mg/30 mL
(10 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO Equal volume of NS or D5W 5 mg/mL Adults:  35 minutes (do not exceed 2 hours)
 Peds:  1-4 hours
10 mg/mL Solution 24 hrs 24 hrs Mix by gentle inversion
N/A Allow to reach room temperature prior to administration. Do not administer as an IV push or bolus. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 76 mg/1.9 mL
44 mg/1.1 mL
(40 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO N/A N/A N/A Do Not Shake N/A N/A N/A N/A 40 mg/mL Solution 4 hrs  4 hrs Remove elranatamab vial from refrigeration and allow to equilibrate to room temperature; do not warm vials in any other way. Withdraw the required dose volume into a n appropriate syringe using a transfer needle. Replace the transfer needle with an appropriate injection needle. No (syringe) For subcutaneous administration. Allow solution to come to room temperature before administration. 1, 8 SDV Dispensed in a syringe
ferric carboxymaltose
No No N/A N/A No No 1000 mg/20 mL
750 mg/15 mL
100 mg/2 mL
(50 mg/mL)
Do Not Refrigerate  NO NO Secondary NO NO N/A NO NS
(no more than 250 mL)
2-4 mg/mL IV infusion: over at least 15 minutes
IV Push 750 mg: Slow IVP at 100 mg/min
IV Push 1000 mg:  Slow IVP over 15 minutes
50 mg/mL Solution 72 hrs N/A   N/A Monitor for extravasation. 1, 8 SDV May be dispensed in a syringe
ferric gluconate
(Ferrlecit; Nulecit)
No No N/A N/A No No 62.5 mg/5 mL
(12.5 mg/mL)
Do Not Refrigerate  NO NO Secondary NO NO N/A NO Adults:  100 mL NS
Peds:  25 mL NS
N/A 60 minutes 12.5 mg/mL solution Immediate use N/A   N/A   1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No No 510 mg/17 mL
(30 mg/mL)
N/A NO NO Secondary NO NO N/A NO 50-200 mL NS or D5W 2-8 mg/mL 15 minutes 30 mg/mL Solution  4 hrs 48 hrs   N/A Administer each 510 mg dose diluted as a slow IV infusion over at least 15 minutes. 1, 8 SDV  
No Yes Room Temperature Do Not Prep on Friday No No 150 mg N/A NO NO Secondary NO NO N/A NO TV 150 mL NS 1 mg/mL 20-30 minutes 150 mg vial + 5 mL NS 24 hrs N/A Reconstitute vial with 5 mL of NS, slowly directing diluent down wall of vial to avoid foaming; swirl gently. Add reconstituted contents of the 150 mg vial to 145 mL NS (total volume of 150 mL). Gently invert bag 2-3 times to mix. For doses <150 mg, transfer the desired to  an appropriate size bag or syringe prior to infusion. N/A Infusion should be completed ~30 minutes prior to chemotherapy 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No No 1000 units N/A NO NO N/A N/A NO Do Not Shake NO N/A N/A 5 minutes 1000 unit vial + 1 mL NS
(Conc: 1000 units/mL)
Immediate use 4 hrs Mix by gently by rolling or tilting vial. Upon reconstitution, solution should be clear, colorless and free of particulate matter.  No (syringe) Flush IV line before and after glucarpidase administration. 1, 8 SDV Dispensed in a syringe.
No No N/A N/A No Yes 100 mg N/A NO 1.2 micron or less in-line low-protein binding Secondary
NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS
(total volume)
0.4-4 mg/mL
 (If volumes >250 mL are needed, either use a larger bag or multiple 250 mL bags to ensure concentration does not exceed 4 mg/mL.)
At least 2 hrs or per protocol 100 mg + 10 mL SWFI
(Conc: 10 mg/mL)
Infusion should begin within 3 hrs of reconstitution and dilution N/A Use syringe equipped with a 21-gauge or smaller needle. Direct SWFI towards the wall of the vial. Swirl vial gently to dissolve powder. Allow solution to stand for 5 minutes. Gently invert bag to mix. Remove drug volume from bag before adding drug (overfill only) Do not infuse with other agents. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No Yes 100 mg N/A NO 1.2 micron or less in-line low-protein binding Secondary
NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS
(total volume)
0.4-4 mg/mL
 (If volumes >250 mL are needed, either use a larger bag or multiple 250 mL bags to ensure concentration does not exceed 4 mg/mL.)
At least 2 hrs or per protocol 100 mg + 10 mL SWFI
(Conc: 10 mg/mL)
Infusion should begin within 3 hrs of reconstitution and dilution N/A Use syringe equipped with a 21-gauge or smaller needle. Direct SWFI towards the wall of the vial. Swirl vial gently to dissolve powder. Allow solution to stand for 5 minutes. Gently invert bag to mix. Remove drug volume from bag before adding drug (overfill only) Do not infuse with other agents. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No Yes 100 mg N/A NO 1.2 micron or less in-line low-protein binding Secondary
NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS
(total volume)
0.4-4 mg/mL
(If volumes >250 mL are needed, either use a larger bag or multiple 250 mL bags to ensure concentration does not exceed 4 mg/mL.)
At least 2 hrs or per protocol 100 mg + 10 mL SWFI
(Conc: 10 mg/mL)
Infusion should begin within 3 hrs of reconstitution and dilution N/A Use syringe equipped with a 21-gauge or smaller needle. Direct SWFI towards the wall of the vial. Swirl vial gently to dissolve powder. Allow solution to stand for 5 minutes. Gently invert bag to mix. Remove drug volume from bag before adding drug (overfill only) Do not infuse with other agents. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No Yes 100 mg N/A NO 1.2 micron or less in-line low-protein binding Secondary
NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS
(total volume)
0.4-4 mg/mL
 (If volumes >250 mL are needed, either use a larger bag or multiple 250 mL bags to ensure concentration does not exceed 4 mg/mL.)
At least 2 hrs or per protocol 100 mg + 10 mL SWFI
(Conc: 10 mg/mL)
Infusion should begin within 3 hrs of reconstitution and dilution N/A Use syringe equipped with a 21-gauge or smaller needle. Direct SWFI towards the wall of the vial. Swirl vial gently to dissolve powder. Allow solution to stand for 5 minutes. Gently invert bag to mix. Remove drug volume from bag before adding drug (overfill only) Do not infuse with other agents. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 200mg/40 mL
50 mg/10 mL
(5 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light low protein-binding in-line filter Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS or D5W 1 - 2 mg/mL 30-90 min 5 mg/mL Solution 24 hrs 24 hrs Allow vials to stand at room temp for 5 min prior to preparation.
Mix diluted solution by gentle inversion.
Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not co-administer other drugs through the same intravenous line. Flush the line after each dose. Use separate infusion bags and filters for each infusion. 1, 8 SDV  
iron dextran
No No N/A N/A No No 100 mg/2 mL
(50 mg/mL)
Do not refrigerate NO NO Secondary NO NO N/A NO Adults:
Test Dose:
25 mg IVP
Total Dose:
500 mL

Test Dose: 30 mg in 10 mL NS
Total Dose:
100-<400 mg in 100 mL NS
400 mg-1000 mg in 250 mL NS
N/A Test dose over 1-5 minutes
Total dose over 4-6 hours
50 mg/mL solution Immediate use N/A Avoid dilution with dextrose N/A A test dose should be administered on the first day of therapy followed by an hour observation prior to administering full doses. 1, 8 SDV May also be dispensed in a syringe.
iron sucrose
No Yes Room Temperature Do Not Prep Syringe on Friday No No 200 mg/10 mL
100 mg/5 mL
50 mg/2.5 mL
(20 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO N/A NO 100-200 mg may be in syringe.
100 mL - 250 mL NS
Do not dilute to concentrations
< 1 mg/mL
IV Push: 2-5 minutes
Infusion 300 mg: over 1.5 hours
Infusion 400 mg: over 2.5 hours
Infusion 500 mg: 3.5-4 hours
20 mg/mL Solution 4 days
24 hrs syringe
7 days
24 hrs syringe
  N/A   1, 8 SDV May also be dispensed in a syringe.
No No N/A N/A No No 2.9 mg/5 mL
(0.58 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light 0.2 micron in-line, low-protein-binding filter Secondary YES YES Do Not Shake NO Pt. weight
</= 20 kg: 100 mL NS (total volume)

Pt weight
>20 kg: 250 mL NS (total volume)
N/A Titration 0.58 mg/mL Solution Immediate use 36 hrs Allow vials to come to room temperature prior to admixture. Do not use filter needle. Gently rotate infusion bag to mix. N/A   1, 8 SDV  
leucovorin No Yes Room Temperature Do Not Prep Syringe on Friday No Yes 500 mg
350 mg
200 mg
100 mg
50 mg
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO N/A NO D5W or NS
For methanol toxicity, dilute in D5W
For peds: maximum concentration 20 mg/mL 10 minutes - 2 hours. Refer to specific protocol. Do not administer IV solutions at a rate > 160 mg/minute due to calcium content. SWFI or BWFI according to product specific PI. When doses > 10 mg/m2 are required, reconstitute using SWFI, not a solution containing benzyl alcohol. IVPB 4 days
Syringe (0.9% NaCl,D5W): 24 hrs
Immediate use when reconstituted with SWFI;
IVPB 4 days
Syringe (0.9% NaCl,D5W): 24 hrs
  Add drug into bag  (overfill + drug volume) Not for intrathecal administration 1, 8 SDV  
(Fusilev or Khapzory)
No No N/A N/A No Yes 250 mg/25 mL
175mg/17.5 mL
175 mg
50 mg
N/A Protect vials and dilution from light NO Secondary NO NO N/A NO Solution: NS or D5W
175 mg vial: NS or D5W
50 mg vial: NS or D5W
Solution for infusion: 0.5 mg/mL
175 mg vial: 0.5 mg/mL-5 mg/mL
50 mg vial: 0.5 mg/mL-5 mg/mL
Over at least 3 minutes. Do not exceed 160 mg/minutes for products containing calcium. 10 mg/mL Solution
175 mg + 3.6 mL PF NS
50 mg vial + 5.3 mL PF NS
(10 mg/mL)
Solution for infusion: 4 hrs
175 mg vial: 12 hrs
50 mg vial: 12 hrs if diluted in NS, 4 hrs if diluted in D5W
Solution for infusion: N/A
175 mg vial: N/A
50 mg vial: N/A
Note formulation Add drug into bag  (overfill + drug volume) Not for intrathecal administration 1, 8 SDV  
magnesium IVPB (CNR available) No Yes Room Temperature N/A No No 1000 mg/2 mL
5000 mg/10 mL
25000 mg/50 mL
1000 mg/100 mL
2000 mg/100 mL
4000 mg/100 mL
NO NO NO Secondary NO NO N/A NO D5W or SWFI 8 mg/mL to 20 mg/mL 30-60 minutes; 25 mg/hr Solution 4 days 7 days Refrigeration of VIALS may cause precipitation or crystallization Add drug into bag  (overfill + drug volume) unless premade product is used   1,8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 250 mg/10 mL
(25 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light 0.2 micron in-line or add-on filter Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 100 mL or 250 mL NS 0.5 mg/mL-7.2 mg/mL Initial dose over 2 hours, a minimum of 30 minutes for subsequent doses 25 mg/mL Solution 4 hrs 24 hrs Do not use D5W. Gently invert bag to mix.  Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not administer as an IV push or bolus. If refrigerated, allow solution diluted for infusion to reach room temperature prior to administration. 1, 8 SDV  
methylPREDNISolone IVPB No Yes Room temperature Do Not Prep on Friday No Yes 40 mg
125 mg
500 mg
1000 mg
2000 mg
N/A Protect vials from light No Secondary NO NO N/A NO   0.2 mg/mL-10 mg/mL   Solution 24 hrs 24 hrs            
No Yes Room temperature Do Not Prep on Friday No No 1000 mg/10 mL
(100 mg/mL)
N/A NO NO Secondary NO NO N/A NO D5W, NS, D51/4 NS, D51/3 NS, D51/2NS or LR. Adults: 20 mg/mL
Peds </= 20 mg/mL
Per Protocol 100 mg/mL Solution 24 hrs N/A Contains benzyl alcohol 10.4 mg/mL. Avoid use in premature neonates and low-birth weight infants. Benzyl alcohol may reduce the stability of ifosfamide. If mixed in the same bag of ifosfamide, the final concentration of ifosfamide can not exceed 50 mg/mL.  Add drug into bag  (overfill + drug volume)  May administer as an IV bolus, short infusion, or continuous infusion, refer to protocol. 1, 8 MDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 20 mg/5 mL
N/A Protect vials from light 0.22 micron in-line filter Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS 0.1 mg/mL-3 mg/mL Over at least 60 minutes 4 mg/mL Solution Immediate use 4 hrs Mix by gentle inversion Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not administer subcutaneously or by rapid IV administration. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 30 mg/30 mL
1 mg/mL
(1 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light DO NOT USE FILTER Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 50-250 mL NS
(reference PI)
N/A Cycle 1:  at least 4 hours
Cycle 2 and beyond:  2 hours
1 mg/mL Solution 16 hrs 24 hrs Mix by gentle inversion Remove drug volume from bag before adding drug (overfill only) Allow to reach room temperature prior to administration. 1, 8 SDV  
No Yes Refrigerated Do Not Prep on Friday No No 300 mg/15 mL
(20 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 100 mL NS Final dosage concentration is 2.6 mg/mL. 1 hour 20 mg/mL Solution Immediate use Use within 48 hrs Mix by gentle inversion.  Remove drug volume from bag before adding drug (overfill only)  If stored under refrigeration, allow solution to warm to RT prior administration. Do not administer by IV bolus or push. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 40 mg/10 mL
(4 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO N/A NO NS + 5% albumin based upon dose, must consult PI 1.1-1.6 mg/mL depending upon dose First infusion:  60 minutes
Subsequent infusions: 30-60 minutes
4 mg/mL Solution 8 hrs 24 hrs
Initiate infusion within 8 hours of removal from refrigeration
Allow for 5-10 minutes of passive mixing of albumin and NS prior to adding naxitamab. ERx's are built for specific weight criteria Do not administer as an IV push or bolus. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 800 mg/50 mL
(16 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO Final volume 250 mL NS N/A 60 minutes 16 mg/mL Solution 4 hrs 24 hrs Mix by gentle inversion.  Remove overfill and drug volume in order to make total volume of 250 mL   1, 8 SDV  
(Opdivo) (CNR available)
Yes No Refrigerated N/A Yes No 240 mg/24 mL
120 mg/12 mL
100 mg/10 mL
40 mg/4 mL
(10 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light. Protect infusion from light for extended stability under refrigeration. low protein in-line filter 0.2 - 1.2 micron Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS or D5W 50 mL 1 - 10 mg/mL
For patients >/= 40 kg, TV of infusion must not exceed 160 mL. For patients < 40 kg, do not exceed an infusion volume of 4 mL/kg of body weight.
30 min 10 mg/mL Solution 7 hrs 7 days from preparation to end of infusion if light protected Mix diluted solution by gentle inversion. If administering as part of combination regimen, use separate infusion bags and filters for each infusion.  Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume)   1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 240 mg nivolumab and 80 mg relatlimab/20 mL
(12 mg  and 5 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light. Protect infusion from light for extended stability under refrigeration. low protein in-line filter 0.2 - 1.2 micron Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS or D5W 50 mL Nivolumab: 3 - 12 mg/mL
Relatlimab: 1 - 4 mg/mL
TV of infusion must not exceed 160 mL. For patients < 40 kg, do not exceed an infusion volume of 4 mL/kg of body weight.
30 min 12 mg  and 5 mg/mL Solution 8 hrs including infusion 24 hrs from preparation to end of infusion (including time for room temperature equilibration) if light protected. Mix by gently inversion ERx built for specific concentration/infusion volume   1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes Yes 1000 mg/40 mL
(25 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 100 mg dose: 100 mL NS
900 mg dose: 250 mL NS
1000 mg dose: 250 mL NS
0.4 mg/mL to 4 mL 100 mg dose: 4 hours
900 mg, 1000 mg: titration
25 mg/mL Solution Immediate use  Up to 24 hrs Use 1 vial to compound Day 1 and Day 2 doses. Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not administer IV push or as a bolus. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No No 300 mg/10 mL
(30 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light 0.2 or 0.22 micron in-line filter Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 300 mg dose: 250 mL NS
600 mg dose: 500 mL NS
1.2 mg/mL Titration 30 mg/mL Solution 8 hrs including infusion time Up to 24 hrs   N/A   1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 1000 mg/50 mL
100 mg/5 mL
(20 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 1000 mL NS  N/A Titration 20 mg/mL Solution Immediate use 12 hrs, discard after 24 hrs   Remove drug volume from bag before adding drug (overfill only)   1, 8 SDV  
ondansetron IVPB (CNR available) No Yes Refrigerated N/A No No 4 mg/2 mL
40 mg/20 mL
N/A                       4 days 7 days: 4, 8 mg
10 days: 16 mg
Palonosetron IVPB (CNR available) No Yes Refrigerated N/A                               48 hrs 10 days            
Palonosetron/dexAMETHasone in 0.9 NaCl IVPB (CNR available) No Yes Refrigerated N/A No No Palonosetron only
0.25 mg/5 mL
0.25 mg/2 mL
N/A                       48 hrs 10 days            
Yes No Refrigerated Do Not Prep on Friday Yes No 400 mg/20 mL
100 mg/5 mL
(20 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light low-protein-binding 0.2 or 0.22 micron in-line filter Secondary
NO NO Do Not Shake NO Dose ≤1000 mg: 100 mL NS
Dose >1000 mg: 150 mL NS
Max 10 mg/mL ≤1 Gm: 60 min first dose, subsequent doses may be administered over 30-60 minutes
 >1 Gm: 90 min
20 mg/mL Solution 5 hrs 23 hrs Mix diluted solution by gentle inversion.
Do not use if discolored.
Not compatible in D5W.
Remove overfill and drug volume in order to make a total volume of 100mL Do not administer as an IV push or bolus. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 3750 IU/5 mL
(750 IU/mL)
N/A Protect vials and dilution from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 100 mL NS or D5W
IM = 2 mL per site (if > 2mL, use multiple syringes)
N/A IVPB: 1-2 hrs         750 units/mL Solution Immediate use 48 hrs
Syringe: 24 hrs
24 hours BUD for IM Syringe
IM = 2 mL per site (if > 2mL, use multiple sites)
Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not administer IV push. 1, 8, 14 SDV May also be dispensed in a syringe.
peginterferon alfa-2A
No No N/A N/A No No 180 mcg/mLvial
180 mcg/0.5 mL syringe
N/A Protect vials from light NO N/A N/A NO Do Not Shake N/A N/A N/A N/A Use 180 mcg/mL solution to prepare pediatric doses 24 hrs N/A Allow vial to reach room temperature before use. Vial may be warmed by gently rolling in the palms of the hand ~1 minute. Vial must be used to prepare for peds, using 1 mL tuberculin syringe.
Chronic hepatitis B ≥ 3 years old
Chronic hepatitis C ≥ 5 years old
No (syringe)   1, 8 SDV Dispensed in a syringe.
(Keytruda) (CNR available)
Yes No Refrigerated N/A Yes No 100 mg/4 mL
(25 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light low protein binding 0.2 - 5 micron in-line or add on filter Secondary N/A NO Do Not Shake NO 100 mL NS or D5W 1 -10 mg/mL 30 min 25 mg/mL Solution 5 hrs 95 hrs Mix by gentle inversion. Allow infusion to come to room temperature if refrigerated Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume)   1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No No 300 mg Do not refrigerate Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO N/A Irritant with vesicant like properties 50 - 250 mL D5W IM: 300 mg/mL
IV: 1 - 2.5 mg/mL
1-2 hrs IM:  300 mg + 3 mL of SWFI
3 - 5 mL of SWFI or D5W
24 hrs N/A Do not reconstitute with NS as precipitation will occur.  N/A   1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 75 mg Do not refrigerate Protect from light NO Secondary NO NO N/A Avoid extravasation NS or D5W N/A IVP: 3-5 min 75 mg vial + 31.8 mL NS or D5W
(Conc: 2.5 mg/mL)
Use Immediately N/A Due to the potential for photosensitivity reactions, wear rubber gloves and eye protection and avoid skin and eye contact during preparation and administration No (syringe) Administer slow IV injection over 3-5 minutes 1, 8 SDV Dispensed in a syringe.
No No N/A N/A Yes No 200 mg/50 mL
100 mg/10 mL
(10 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light protein sparing 0.22 micron Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS
(total volume)
N/A Initial infusion: 60 min
Subsequent infusions: 30 min
10 mg/mL Solution 4 hrs 24 hrs Not compatible with D5W.
Mix diluted solution by gentle inversion.
Remove overfill and drug volume in order to make total volume of 250 mL Do not administer as an IV push or bolus. 1,8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No No 7.5 mg
1.5 mg
N/A Protect vials from light DO NOT USE FILTER Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 50 mL NS
(total volume)
N/A 30 min 7.5 mg + 5 mL diluent
1.5 mg + 1 mL diluent
Immediate Use 24 hrs Do not filter N/A Do not administer as an IV bolus. 1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A No No 1100 mg/11 mL
300 mg/3 mL
(100 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials and dilution from light 0.2 or 0.22 micron filter Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS 50 mg/mL Dose Dependent 100 mg/mL Solution Immediate Use 24 hrs including administration time. Once removed from refrigeration, administer dilution within 4 hrs. Mix by gentle inversion. Allow the admixture to adjust to RT prior to infusion. N/A   1, 8 SDV  
Yes No Refrigerated Do Not Prep on Friday Yes Yes 500 mg/50 mL
100 mg/10 mL
(10 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO Primary
NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS or D5W 1 - 4 mg/mL Per Protocol 10 mg/mL Solution 24 hrs 24 hrs Mix by gentle inversion Built as 1:1 for titration; ERx's built in 250 mL can include overfill and drug volume   1, 2, 3, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes Yes 500 mg/50 mL
100 mg/10 mL
(10 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light. Protect infusion from light for extended stability under refrigeration. NO Primary
NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS or D5W 1 - 4 mg/mL Per Protocol 10 mg/mL Solution Immediate Use Up to 7 days if light protected and diluted in NS. Up to 24 hrs if diluted in D5W Mix by gentle inversion Built as 1:1 for titration; ERx's built in 250 mL can include overfill and drug volume   1, 8 SDV  
Yes No Refrigerated Do Not Prep on Friday if D5W used as diluent Yes Yes 500 mg/50 mL
100 mg/10 mL
(10 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO Primary
NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS or D5W 1 - 4 mg/mL Per Protocol 10 mg/mL Solution Immediate Use Up to 10 days if diluted in NS Up to 24 hrs if diluted in D5W Mix by gentle inversion Built as 1:1 for titration; ERx's built in 250 mL can include overfill and drug volume   1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes Yes 500 mg/50 mL
100 mg/10 mL
(10 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO Primary
NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS or D5W 1 - 4 mg/mL Per Protocol 10 mg/mL Solution Immediate Use 24 hrs Mix by gentle inversion Built as 1:1 for titration; ERx's built in 250 mL can include overfill and drug volume   1, 8 SDV  
riTUXimab and hyaluronidase
(Rituxan Hycela)
Yes No Refrigerated Do Not Prep on Friday Yes Yes 1400 mg rituximab and 23,400 units hyaluronidase per 11.7 mL

1600 mg rituximab and 26800 units hyaluronidase per 13.4 mL

(120 mg/2000 units per mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO N/A N/A NO Do Not Shake N/A N/A N/A 5-7 minutes 120 mg/2000 units per mL Solution Immediate use. 48 hrs
Once removed from refrigerator - 8 hours at room temperature
  No (syringe)   1, 8 SDV Dispensed in a syringe.
No No N/A N/A Yes No 400 mg
100 mg
N/A Protect vials from light 0.2 micron in-line Secondary NO NO, must be made with PVC with DEHP or PO Do Not Shake NO TV 250 mL D5W N/A 60 minutes 400 mg + 20 mL SWFI
100 mg + 5.2 mL SWFI
(20 mg/mL)
Complete infusion within 4 hrs of dilution N/A Allow vials to come to RT over approximately 30 minutes. Gently swirl to reconstitute. Should be further diluted for infusion within 2 hours of reconstitution. N/A   1, 8 SDV  
sodium bicarbonate No Yes Room Temperature N/A No No 8.4% 50 mEq/50 mL
8.4% 10 mEq/10 mL
4.2% 2.5 mEq/5 mL (PEDS)
4.2% 5 mEq/10 mL
                        4 days 7 days            
0.9% NaCl w/magnesium w/ KCL No Yes Room Temperature Do not Prep on Friday No No Refer to EPIC preparation instructions                         4 hrs N/A N/A          
No No N/A N/A Yes No 200 mg N/A Protect vials and dilution from light N/A Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS
(total volume)
2 mg/mL - 8 mg/mL Titration 200 mg + 5 mL SWFI
(40 mg/mL)
12 hrs including infusion 18 hrs Direct stream toward wall of vial. Gently swirl to mix. Complete dissolution may take up to 5 minutes. For dilution, mix by gentle inversion. Remove drug volume from bag before adding drug (overfill only)   1, 8 SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes No 40 mg/mL
3 mg//1.5 mL
(2 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO N/A N/A NO Do Not Shake N/A N/A N/A N/A 40 mg/ml Solution
2 mg/mL Solution
Up to 24 hrs following refrigeration. Up to 24 hrs Allow vials to equilibrate to RT for at least 15 minutes. Once equilibrated, gently swirl the vial for approximately 10 seconds to mix. No (syringe) Allow solution to come to RT prior to administration. Doses >2ml TV should be divided into multiple syringes. 1, 8 SDV Dispensed in a syringe.
No No N/A N/A Yes No 153 mg/1.7 mL
(90 mg/mL)
30 mg/3 mL
(10 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light NO N/A N/A NO Do Not Shake N/A N/A N/A N/A 90 mg/mL Solution
10 mg/mL Solution
20 hrs 20 hrs Allow vials to equilibrate to RT for at least 15 minutes. Once equilibrated, gently swirl the vial for approximately 10 seconds to mix. No (syringe) Doses >2ml TV should be divided into multiple syringes. 1, 8 SDV Dispensed in a syringe.
No No N/A N/A No No 400 mg/20 mL
200 mg/10 mL
80 mg/4 mL
(20 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials and dilution from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO <30kg: 50 mL NS
>/=30 kg: 100 mL NS
N/A 60 minutes 20 mg/mL Solution 24 hrs 24 hrs Gently invert to mix to avoid foaming N/A Allow diluted solution to reach room temperature prior to infusion. 1, 8 SDV  
Yes No Room Temperature Do Not Prep on Friday Yes Yes 150 mg N/A NO NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS
IT: SWFI without preservative
N/A Loading dose: 90 min.
Maintenance dose: 30 min if tolerated.
150 mg vial + 7.4 mL SWFI
(Conc: 21 mg/mL)
IT: Use SWFI without preservative
Immediate Use
IT Syringe: 4 hrs
The stream of diluent should be directed into lyophilized cake.
Swirl vial gently to aid reconstitution. .
If foaming, allow the vial to stand for 5 min. Gently invert bag to mix dilution
Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not administer IV push or by rapid bolus. 1, 2, 8, 13 SDV May also be dispensed in a syringe.
No No N/A N/A Yes Yes 420 mg
150 mg
N/A NO NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS N/A Loading dose: 90 min.
Maintenance dose: 30 min if tolerated.
420 mg vial + 20 mL BWFI  or SWFI
150 mg vial + 7.4 mL SWFI only
(21 mg/mL)
Immediate Use 24 hrs DO NOT USE DEXTROSE.
The stream of diluent should be directed into lyophilized cake.
Swirl vial gently to aid reconstitution. .
If foaming, allow the vial to stand for 5 min. Gently invert bag to mix dilution
Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not administer IV push or by rapid bolus. 1, 8 MDV and SDV  
Yes No Refrigerated Do Not Prep on Friday Yes Yes 420 mg
150 mg
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS N/A Loading dose: 90 min.
Maintenance dose: 30 min if tolerated.
420 mg vial + 20 mL BWFI  or SWFI
150 mg vial + 7.4 mL SWFI only
(21 mg/mL)
Immediate Use 24 hrs DO NOT USE DEXTROSE.
The stream of diluent should be directed into lyophilized cake.
Swirl vial gently to aid reconstitution. .
If foaming, allow the vial to stand for 5 min. Gently invert bag to mix dilution
Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not administer IV push or by rapid bolus. 1, 8 MDV and SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes Yes 420 mg
150 mg
N/A NO NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS N/A Loading dose: 90 min.
Maintenance dose: 30 min if tolerated.
420 mg vial + 20 mL BWFI  or SWFI
150 mg vial + 7.4 mL SWFI only
(21 mg/mL)
Immediate Use 24 hrs DO NOT USE DEXTROSE.
The stream of diluent should be directed into lyophilized cake.
Swirl vial gently to aid reconstitution. .
If foaming, allow the vial to stand for 5 min. Gently invert bag to mix dilution
Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not administer IV push or by rapid bolus. 1, 8 MDV and SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes Yes 420 mg
150 mg
N/A NO NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS N/A Loading dose: 90 min.
Maintenance dose: 30 min if tolerated.
420 mg vial + 20 mL BWFI  or SWFI
150 mg vial + 7.4 mL SWFI only
(21 mg/mL)
Immediate Use 24 hrs DO NOT USE DEXTROSE.
The stream of diluent should be directed into lyophilized cake.
Swirl vial gently to aid reconstitution. .
If foaming, allow the vial to stand for 5 min. Gently invert bag to mix dilution
Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not administer IV push or by rapid bolus. 1, 8 MDV and SDV  
No No N/A N/A Yes Yes 420 mg
150 mg
N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS N/A Loading dose: 90 min.
Maintenance dose: 30 min if tolerated.
420 mg vial + 20 mL BWFI  or SWFI
150 mg vial + 7.4 mL SWFI only
(21 mg/mL)
Immediate Use 24 hrs DO NOT USE DEXTROSE.
The stream of diluent should be directed into lyophilized cake.
Swirl vial gently to aid reconstitution. .
If foaming, allow the vial to stand for 5 min. Gently invert bag to mix dilution
Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Do not administer IV push or by rapid bolus. 1, 8 MDV and SDV  
trastuzmab Hyaluronidase
No No N/A N/A Yes Yes 600 mg trastuzumab and 10,000 units hyaluronidase/ 5 mL
(120 mg/2000 units per mL)
N/A Protect vials and syringe from light NO N/A N/A NO Do Not Shake N/A N/A N/A N/A 120 mg/2000 units per mL Solution 4 hrs 24 hrs   No (syringe) The dose should be administered subcutaneously over approximately 2-5 minutes. 1, 8 SDV Dispensed in a syringe.
No No N/A N/A Yes No 300 mg/15 mL
25 mg/1.25 mL
(20 mg/mL)
N/A Protect vials from light 0.2-0.22 micron filter Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO NS or D5W
Max diluent >/= 30 kg: 150 mL
Max diluent <30 kg:  80 mL
0.1-10 mg/mL
Final concentration of the diluted solution should not exceed 10 mg/mL.
60 minutes 20 mg/mL Solution 24 hours from prep to infusion 24 hours from prep to infusion   Add drug into bag (overfill + drug volume) Infuse over 60 minutes. 1, 8 SDV  
Yes No Refrigerated Do not Prep on Friday No No 300 mg N/A Protect vials from light NO Secondary NO NO Do Not Shake NO 250 mL NS N/A 30 minutes 300 mg vial + 4.8 mL SWFI or NS
(60 mg/mL)
12 hrs 24 hrs Insert the syringe needle into the vial through the center of the stopper and direct the stream of SWFI or NS to the glass wall of the vial to avoid excessive foaming. Gently swirl the vial for at least 15 second to dissolve the lyophilized powder. Allow the solutions to sit for up to 20 minutes at RT to allow for reconstitution. If not fully dissolved after 20 minutes, allow another 10 minutes for dissolution. Do not use the vial if the drug product is not dissolved within 30 minutes. N/A Do not administer by IV push or bolus. 1, 8 SDV  

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