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Medications listed are available on OH EPIC Formulary, unless otherwise noted.
Not all formulary medications are available at each facility. Please refer to your local pharmacy for available inventory.
Formulary Addition Request


The Ochsner Health System Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee makes formulary decisions based on published data from controlled clinical trials. The committee considers the efficacy, safety, approved indication(s), tolerability, and cost/reimbursement of a medication when determining its formulary status.

Please fill out this form completely. This form consists of three parts: Part A: Additions to the Formulary or Changes in Restriction, Part B: Deletions from the Formulary, and Part C: Conflict of Interest Disclosure. You must be an attending-level physician to request a change to the formulary.

Part A - Additions to Formulary or Changes in Restriction

Yes   No

Improved Safety Profile   Improved Efficacy   More Convenient Dosing Regimen
Less Prone to Med Errors   Additional Indications   More Cost Effective

Yes   No   Unknown

Yes   No
Yes   No

Available to all providers   Restricted to a service   Restricted to a treatment protocol   Not for primary care use

Yes   No
Yes   No

Part B - Deletions from the Formulary

Part C - Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Note: This information is shared with Ochsner Health System Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee members and is considered when evaluating your request. A potential conflict of interest does not preclude a person from requesting a medication for formulary addition or a change in restriction. The Committee appreciates that physicians with an area of expertise often receive research grants or other support from industry. The Committee considers it important to disclose these relationships to eliminate any concerns regarding potential conflicts of interest.

Please provide the following information to the best of your knowledge:

Yes   No

Own stock in one of the above companies (excluding mutual funds)
Serve on the board of directors for one of these companies
Expect to receive (or currently receive) royalties from one of these companies

Yes   No

Received more than $5000 in research funding
Received support for presenting continuing education or professional education programs supported by the company
     (Defined as more than 1 lecture for the same company in a 12 month period)
Received an educational grant of more than $5000
received more than $500 in travel support, personal gifts, compensation, or rewards in the past 12 months

I have completed Part C - Conflict of Interest Disclosure to the best of my ability.

You have not selected your institution at the top of the form.
This form cannot be submitted until you do so.

This site is intended for the staff of Ochsner Health. While others may view accessible pages, Ochsner Health makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the use of this information outside of Ochsner Health.