Approved Hospital Formulary
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Approved Hospital Formulary
P & T Minutes
2016 P&T Formulary Decisions
August  Approval of 900.6520 Therapeutic Interchange: Topical Corticosteroids 

Mifepristone (Mifeprex) added to formulary with restriction to OB providers in Legacy Medical Group who have registered in REMS program.

Sugammadex (Bridion) added to formulary with restriction to anesthesia providers for reversal of rocuronium or vecuronium.

Tirofiban (Aggrastat) added to formulary to replace eptifibatide.

Eptifibatide (Integrelin) removed from formulary.  May be available for patients already started on eptifibatide.

May  Capsaicin 8% (Qutenza) added to formulary with restriction to Pain Clinic use only.

Filgrastim (Neupogen) removed from formulary for adults. Remains formulary for pediatrics.

tbo-filgrastim (Granix) added to formulary with therapeutic interchange from filgrastim.


Netupitant/palonosetron (Akynzeo) not added to formulary.

Aprepritant (Emend) added additional indications.  Approved oral and suspension for chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting only. Not reviewed for post-operative nausea and vomiting- non-formulary for this indication.

Fosaprepitant added to formulary for oncology related nausea and vomiting.

Palonosetron (Aloxin) added to formulary for oncology related nausea and vomiting.

Pyridoxine/Doxylamine (Diclegis) not added to formulary.

January Idarucizumb (Praxbind) added to formulary for reversal of Pradaxa only.

P&T Minutes 2014

December 2014
  Formulary: Melatonin approved for use
  Formulary: Ramelteon (Rozerem) NOT added to formulary
  Formulary: Sodium Fleet Enema REMOVED from formulary

October 2014

August 2014
  Formulary: Bupivacaine liposome (Exparel) usage expanded under restrictions

June 2014
  Formulary: Change from moxifloxacin to levofloxacin
  Other: Topical Corticosteroids Formulary Class Review. Therapeutic Interchange approved
  DUE: Ertapenem usage evaluated

May 2014
  Formulary: Tolvaptan
  DUE: Daptomycin usage evaluated

April 2014
  Formulary: Bupivacaine liposome (Exparel) approved for use with restrictions
  Other: Nafcillin to oxacillin Therapeutic Interchange for shortages approved 

February 2014

January 2014
  DUE: IV Acetaminophen usage evaluated
  Other: Sublingual Nitroglycerin Therapeutic Interchange Approved

P&T Minutes 2013

November 2013
  FormularyBupivacaine liposome (Exparel) – decision deferred

October 2013

August 2013
  Formulary: 4-factor PCC (Kcentra) approved for use

July 2013

June 2013
  DUE: Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC) use evaluated
  DUE: Dabigatran (Pradaxa) use evaluated

May 2013
  Formulary: eculizumab (Soliris) approved for use with restrictions
  Formulary: Icatibant  (Firazyr) NOT added to formulary

April 2013
  Formulary: Alemtuzumab (Campath) approved for use

March 2013
  Formulary: Alvimopan (Entereg) approved for use
  Formulary: Apixaban (Eliquis) approved for use

January 2013

P&T Minutes 2012

November 2012

September 2012
  FormularyFibrinogen Concentrate approved for use with restrictions

August 2012
  Formulary: Formulary Change for LMWH to enoxaparin

June 2012

May 2012

April 2012

March 2012
  FormularyTicagrelor (Brilinta) added to formulary

February 2012
  FormularyLiposomal Amphotericin Formulary Review. Change to Ambisome as the formulary agent
  FormularyIV Ibuprofen LGS trial results and approval for continued use
  DUE: Methylnaltrexone use evaluated and dosing defaults changed

January 2012
  FormularyFidaxomicin (Deficid) NOT added to formulary. Non-formulary use restricted to ID and GI practitioners.
  Formulary: Ceftaroline (Teflaro) NOT added to formulary. Non-formulary use restricted to ID practitioners.


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