Our Department Mission....Delivering Excellence and Trust in Pharmaceutical Care through a Culture of Precision.



Adult Parenteral Nutrition Orders

Herbs, Botanicals and Other Products

Ketamine use in the ED

MedLine Plus

Summary of IVIG Products & Stability

Merck Medicus

Warfarin and Vitamin K

Orange Book




Thalidomide STEPS Program


Vaccination Information for Health Care Professionals

Clinical Practice Guideline

Medication Safety


Do-Not-Use Abbreviations

Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Surgery

Drugs which cause Thrombocytopenia (Medicine World)

Joint Council on Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Practice Parameters

Drugs in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

National Guideline Clearinghouse

Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation

NHLBI Clinical Guidelines and Reports

Enteral Feeding

Practice Guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Society of America

LactMed - Drugs and Lactation Database

ESA APPRISE Oncology Program

Meds that Require Hepatic Monitoring

Microguide Phone App Teach Tool

Narcotic-Type Analgesic Comparisons

 Microguide Web Link Teach Tool

Potassium Content of Often Used Drugs


Relative Potencies and Equivalent Doses of Corticosteroids


Sodium Content of Often Used Drugs


Substances which May Discolor Urine



Government Organizations

Medical Organizations

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

American Medical Association

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Illinois Board of Medicine

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Iowa Board of Medicine

Food and Drug Administration


Institute for Safe Medication Practices


Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals


Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report




National Institutes of Health


Quality Net


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


World Health Organization








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