Omnicell Drug Access



Pharmacy and Nursing services may use the Omnicell System as a delivery and charging system for the following types of medications:


  • Controlled substances
  • Stock medications
  • Patient’s initial dose of medication when the pharmacy is closed









1.      The Omnicell User Competency Checklist must be completed and forwarded to the Omnicell System Manager in the pharmacy.  “User IDs” will be entered and maintained by the Pharmacy System Manager.


2.      A temporary password is to be issued with the user ID.  The user must immediately access the Station or console, as appropriate, and follow the prompts to change the temporary password to a private, permanent password.  This new, private password must be kept confidential.


3.      New users who are not in the database need a temporary ID.  A temporary access ID is usable for 24 hours will be assigned by the Department Director, Nursing Supervisor or designated charge nurse for agency nurses or for nurses floating who are not from the per diem pool.  The temporary user must immediately access the Station and follow the prompts to change the temporary password to a new private password.


4.      A nursing instructor will be assigned an ID and password.  This ID and password will be used by the instructor for the nursing students working with that nursing instructor.  The ID and password must remain confidential and may not be shared with the students.


5.      When creating a temporary ID and password for any personnel, the following information is required:  full last name, first initial, license classification:


·        RN = registered nurse

·        NS = nursing supervisor 

·        LPN = licensed practical nurse

·        DIR = director

·        CN = charge nurse

·        RPh = pharmacist

·        NI = nursing instructor

·        TECH = pharmacy technician


6.      Individuals may have different access privileges assigned to them.  This will be determined by the Department Director and the Pharmacy Director. A description of functionality of the access privileges is available in the OMNICELL OPERATOR’S MANUAL (located in the Pharmacy)


7.      All requested additions, deletions or changes to access Ids must be sent to the Pharmacy Omnicell System Manager for implementation with a completed Omnicell User ID Verification Statement.


8.      Any user with access to the system may change their password at any time.



Accessing the System back to top


1.      Enter User ID.

2.      Press Enter

3.      Enter Password

4.      Select Patient Name

5.      Select Medication.  To Select a particular medication in the All Meds List, scroll through the list or enter the first few letters of the medication name and you will be advanced to that alphabetical location.

6.      Enter the quantity to remove

7.      Press Enter

8.      Press Remove Meds.  The drawer containing the medication will light.  Open the drawer and the lighted bin.  If prompted, verify the medication count, and press YES if the quantity shown is correct.   You will be required to verify the count remaining on all controlled substances.

9.      Open the Bin and remove the selected medication and quantity.

10. Close the bin(s) and the drawer.

11. Repeat until all medication has been removed.

12.  Press EXIT.  This removes the user name from the Omnicell so that unauthorized use cannot occur.





A medication removed from the station that is in it’s original package and not administered to the patient will be returned to the station. 


To return a medication:


1.      Select the patient

2.      Select the medication to be returned

3.      Select the quantity to return. 

4.      Find the lighted drawer and open it.  Return the medication to the appropriate bin.  Verify count remaining if prompted. 

5.      Close the bin and drawer

6.      PRESS EXIT.


If the tamper-evident packaging of any product is in any way damaged, the product must not be returned to the Omnicell machine.  Instead, the product must be returned to the Pharmacy.






Controlled medication wastes are defined as all or part of a medication that is not in it’s original sealed package and not administered to a patient.  If the tamper-evident packaging is compromised, then the product must be wasted.

If an entire dose of medication needs to be wasted it should be returned to the Pharmacy for destruction.  Partial doses of a controlled substance may be wasted on the patient care unit.


If a controlled medication originally taken from the station needs to be wasted, it will be documented at the station by using the “Waste” option”.  Two licensed employees (IE: RN, LPN, RPh.) are required to waste a controlled substance.  The second licensed employee enters his/her User ID and password as a witness to the medication waste procedure.



1.      Access the system.

2.      Select the medication

3.      Select WASTE ITEM

4.      Enter the quantity to be wasted

5.      Press Enter

6.      Enter the reason for wasting the item

7.      Press EXIT.


The wasted controlled medication must be documented at the time the medication is wasted.





1.      When the actual count of a medication at the station differs from the displayed count for that medication, a discrepancy exists.  All controlled substances (meds classified as Class I-V) discrepancies are logged and can be printed out at the station.  All unscheduled discrepancies are logged, but are then automatically resolved and sent to the pharmacy console.


2.      Any controlled medication discrepancy discovered must be reported immediately to the   charge nurse.


3.      A controlled medication discrepancy must be resolved either at the time of discovery or     before the shift change.  A controlled medication discrepancy is resolved between the user discovering the discrepancy and the user with the previous access.  If the previous user is not working, every effort must be made to contact that person.  The charge nurse must assure that all discrepancies are resolved.  When a discrepancy exists, the Omnicell will highlight the discrepancy box at the bottom of the screen. Additionally, a screen-saver indicates that there are discrepancies present.  A detailed report covering a specific time-frame may be printed by contacting the pharmacist covering the nursing unit.


4.      Once a resolution has been established, two licensed users will use the “Resolve Discrepancy” function  to provide an electronic explanation for the discrepancy.  The users must use free-text to record the reason for the discrepancy indicating as much information as possible.

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