P and T Agenda
Example of P and T Agenda for discussion prior to upcoming meeting

Sample Agenda for the Lost Boys

Always Saturday


8:30 Coffee


9:00 Call to Order Approval of Minutes

9:15 Report from Lost Boy’s Corporate- Peter Pan

Click Here for Report Lost Boy's Report

10:15 Break

10:30 Report from Legal Department: Status of Neverland name infringement lawsuit against Michael Jackson

11:00 Presentation of New Fairy Dust Product : Tinker Bell

Click here for monograph of new Fairy Dust Fairy Dust Monograph

12:00 Lunch: catered by Wendy

Click here for Lunch Menu Lunch Menu for Lost Boy's Meeting

12:30 Terms of Surrender from pirates -Captain Hook

1:00 discussion: Is Captain Hook bonkers

1:30 Pirates-what’s the deal? John John

2:00 Adjourn

Next meeting: Still Saturday- Neverland


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great idea! - Peter Pan Sep 16, 2005
Love the board. Think the fairy dust should be approved!
Pan Unfair to Pirates - Captain Hook Sep 16, 2005
Pan is making derogatory comments about my sweet disposition.
This should help speed our meetings - Wendy Sep 16, 2005
Hope all lost boys read this before the meeting so we can get to business!!!!
I vote Yes for new Fairy Dust product-go Tink!!!
Agenda fine, with one exception - Dr. Seuss Sep 26, 2005
My fellow docs,I have a hunch

That we could improve on Wendy's lunch.

For after 3 hours, hungry I am.

Do you like green eggs and ham?
MSO4 - Chuck Sep 28, 2005
I love Morphine!!!
This makes voting SO easy! - Virtual Voter Jun 22, 2006
Wow, even if I miss the meeting, I can give my opinion.
ms - khaledelsayedhassaneladly Jul 24, 2006
i want know last madsen for ms
boards are efficient for meetings - john Aug 28, 2006
We can now host are P&T meetings in a virtual format.
testing security code - stephanie May 17, 2007
just wanted to test that lovely new security code!
Test - Danny Jan 30, 2017

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