DEA Classes Defined
DEA Classes Defined

After considering the above listed factors, the Administrator must make specific findings concerning the drug or other substance. This will determine into which schedule the drug or other substance will be placed. These schedules are established by the CSA. They are as follows:

Schedule I

• The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.

• The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.

• There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.

• Examples of Schedule I substances include heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana, and methaqualone.

Schedule II

• The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.

• The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States or a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions.

• Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.

• Examples of Schedule II substances include morphine, phencyclidine (PCP), cocaine, methadone, and methamphetamine.

Schedule III

• The drug or other substance has less potential for abuse than the drugs or other substances in schedules I and II.

• The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.

• Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence.

• Anabolic steroids, codeine and hydrocodone with aspirin or Tylenol®, and some barbiturates are examples of Schedule III substances.

Schedule IV

• The drug or other substance has a low potential for abuse relative to the drugs or other substances in Schedule III.

• The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.

• Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to the drugs or other substances in Schedule III.

• Examples of drugs included in schedule IV are Darvon®, Talwin®, Equanil®, Valium®, and Xanax®.

Schedule V

• The drug or other substance has a low potential for abuse relative to the drugs or other substances in Schedule IV.

• The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.

• Abuse of the drug or other substances may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to the drugs or other substances in Schedule IV.

• Cough medicines with codeine are examples of Schedule V drugs.


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