Approved Hospital Formulary
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Approved Hospital Formulary
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Brand names: Actemra
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Additional Information:

Tocilizumab is Formulary-Restricted at Legacy Health.  Restrict to Infectious Disease approval 8am-5pm. ID consult team will assess the patient for appropriate inclusion/exclusion criteria. (Updated 8/2021).

Inclusion Criteria

    • Laboratory confirmed COVID-19
    • Age ≥ 18 years old
    • Receiving concomitant corticosteroid therapy (at least dexamethasone 6mg daily or equivalent)
    • Recent hospitalization (within 3 days) and/or ICU admission within 24 hours
    • Rapidly increasing oxygen needs (e.g. requiring high flow oxygen >0.4 FiO2/30 L/min O2 flow or non-invasive ventilation)
    • CRP ≥ 75 mg/L (ONE time value only at time of decompensation, do not recheck)
    • Limit to ONE dose only

Exclusion Criteria

    • Severely immunocompromised (AIDS, cancer undergoing chemo, solid or bone marrow transplant, neutropenia, serious congenital immunodeficiency)
    • On biologic immunomodulator such as etanercept, infliximab, rituximab, adalimumab, anakinra, golimumab
    • On chronic oral steroids (≥20 mg) for >2 weeks
    • Uncontrolled bacterial, fungal or non-SARS-CoV-2 viral infection
    • History of untreated latent tuberculosis or active tuberculosis infection
    • Patient at risk for GI perforation
    • ALT > 5 upper limit of normal
    • ANC < 500 cells/µL
    • Platelets < 50,000 cells/µL




Last updated: Jan. 11, 2022

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