Approved Hospital Formulary
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Approved Hospital Formulary
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Brand names: Aggrastat
Form Strength
SOLUTION, INTRAVENOUS 12.5mg/250 mL; 250 mcg/mL

Additional Information:

Added to formulary 2016 to replace eptifibatide (Integrelin).  Eptifibatide may be available for patients already started on medication outside of Legacy Health.

Use of tirofiban is P&T approved for emergent carotid stenting for acute stroke thrombectomy, as an IV bolus dose only: 12 mcg/kg bolus over 30 minutes (max dose of 1,000 mcg).  See P&T review. 

P&T approved intracoronary route of administration from a 250 mcg/mL vial.

Tirofiban Handout


Last updated: Aug. 26, 2024

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