Approved Hospital Formulary
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Approved Hospital Formulary
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Brand names: Voraxaze
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Additional Information:

Glucarpidase is a restricted formulary medication:

    • Orders are restricted to hematology, oncology, stem cell transplant or pediatric attending
      • Glucarpidase may not be ordered by an unauthorized provider.
      • A telephone order from an authorized provider may be given when it is not feasible for the prescriber to enter the order.
    • Site pharmacy director or manager must be notified and approve prior to ordering glucarpidase from vendor.
      • Glucarpidase is not routinely stocked at any Legacy site or at OHSU, or by McKesson.
      • After receiving approval, contact manufacturer directly to arrange drop shipment

Antidote and Other Required Agents for Bioterrorism: See Protocol 916.3804

Last updated: Jan. 11, 2022

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