Approved Formulary
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Approved Formulary
Search results for:

multivitamin, pediatric

multivitamin, pediatric
Drug Name Form Strength Formulary Unrestricted Formulary Restricted Non-formulary Interchange
Poly-Vi-Sol Drops LIQUID Pediatric Multiple Vitamins      
M.V.I. Pediatric POWDER FOR INJECTION Pediatric Multiple Vitamins      
Animal Shapes Chewable Multivitamin TABLET, CHEWABLE pediatric chewable tablet      


 *Exact content of Liquid and Chewable MV subject to variation based on generic product availability.

Product A (units) B1 (mg) B2 (mg) B6 (mg) B12 (mcg) C (mg) D (units) E (units) Carb Additional Information
Animal Shapes Chewable MV Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.64gm

Niacinamide, Folic Acid 

Poly-vi-sol (per ml) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Yes 0.92gm Niacin 
Infuvite pediatric (per 5 ml) 2300 1.2 1.4 1 1 80 400 7 2.05gm Vitamin K 200mcg, Biotin 20mcg, Folic Acid 140mcg, Niacinamide 17mg, Dexpanthenol 5mg

Search MVW Complete for ABDEK+Zinc products.

Last updated: Jan. 10, 2022

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