System Formulary Update
Meningococcal Group B and Group ACWY Vaccines Standardization
The Meningococcal Vaccines (Group B and Group ACWY vaccines) class review and formulary standardization was approved at the April 2022 System Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee meeting.
The following medications were reviewed: Menactra® (MenACWY-D), Menveo® (MenACWY-CRM), MenQuadfi (MenACWY-TT), Bexsero (MenB-4C), and Trumenba® (MenB-FHbp).
The CDC considers the MenACWY vaccines to be interchangeable; patients may receive a combination of vaccine products to complete the recommended series. The MenB vaccines are not interchangeable; the same vaccine product must be used to complete the vaccine series.
Menactra® is being discontinued by the manufacturer (SanofiPasteur) and will be phased out of the market in mid-2022. Menveo® is already on formulary at select System entities; unlike Menactra, Menveo® is supplied in separate vials (lyophilized MenA, liquid MenCWY) which must be mixed together for administration. The products require the same volume for administration (0.5 mL) and are given intramuscularly.
Changes Effective: Tuesday, June 28th
System P&T voted to include the following products on the UNC Health System Drug Formulary:
As a result, the following products will be removed from the inpatient drug formulary: